Create proposal
Create a proposal From the main menu navigate to Sales->Proposals and on the top left side click the Create Proposal button You can create a proposal to lead or to a customer. Choose Related to Lead or Customer. Choose which lead/customer is related. ...
Converting proposal to estimate/invoice
To convert proposal to invoice or estimate select the proposal from the table and on the right side a convert button will be shown Click on the button and choose Estimate or Invoice. After you choose a popup will be shown with the preview info also ...
Sending proposal to customer or lead
We assume that you already have created the proposal. Click on the mail icon from the right side and popup with with the preview email template will be shown. You can include the proposal link inside the email template and let your customer view it ...
Proposal expiration reminders
You can send expiration reminders to the lead/customer that this proposal is assigned, email will be sent to the proposal email added while you created/edited the proposal. To configure email expiration reminders navigate to Setup->Settings->CRON job ...
Proposals Templates
In order to make the proposal process creation easier, in our CRM you can create predefined HTML templates that can be used each time a proposal is created. Create proposal template You can create a proposal template while viewing the contract by ...