Our colors unite and enrich the BIMeta experience and solidify our brand. And we believe less is more.
We intentionally make minimal use of color at the parent brand level. This doesn’t mean we aren’t a colorful brand. Rather, we put the spotlight on the content, demonstrating our confidence in who we are and the stories we tell.The following design utilizes the colors shown below. We also have three different alternative colors that have the same gradient pattern but different color selections.
Overall Design |
Gradient Color 1 |
Gradient Color 2 |
#33ffce |
#1fa0a6 |
Alternate Designs Color Selections |
#0d6db0 |
#1a20b0 |
#34f2ff |
#23bee8 |
#e88631 |
#e84523 |
Our font style for our main logo that is utilized is called: Xolonium and Xolonium Bold
The company has purchased the following fonts from above and can be located in our main directory: